Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Episode 034: Christmas Movies we love(and some, not so much)

Well, gang, we do apologize for the late posting, but the devil that is the internet decided to vex me at the last minute. All is well, now, though. So here is our second annual Christmas Episode! This time around we discuss what our favorite Christmas movies are. Also those that we pretty much hate. Which are which? the answer may surprise you! Check your guesses here. Go ahead, we'll wait.

Okay, now that you're back, did you guess correctly? Did we forget about any? Did you completely disagree with us? Let us know either way at feedback@geeksexplainitall.com or geeksexplainitall@gmail.com

 Our first topic for the new year will be a discussion of Superman in other media, That is, moives, tv, anything OTHER than the actual comics.

Til then , folks, from all of us here at Geeks Explain It All, Merry Xmas, and a safe and Happy New year!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Episode 033: Mel the Schwartz be with you!

Well, brethren and sistren, after too long of a gap, we are back with a brand new episode! Our topic this time around is...Mel Brooks!  That's right, the comic genius who gave us everything from a 2000-year-old man to the hottest ticket on Broadway(twice) is who we are discussing. Savor the meshugganah goodness here.

If you have any feedback on this, or any episode we will read it on a future episode! Don't believe us? Then try us at  geeksexplainitall@gmail.com or feedback@geeksexplainitall.com

Join us next time for our second annual Christmas Show, where we will be discussing some of our favorite(and not-so-favorite) Christmas movies. 

Until Next time, kids, remember, It's Good To Be The King!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Episode 032: We were cool when it wasn't country...

Okay, here it is, the first all- new episode we did NOT record at MOCC 2013. And what a doozy of a subject we have: Country Music(sorry didn't have much time for western!). We talk about the music that a lot of us grew up on(and sometimes grew out of). The sheet-kicking can be found here. If you would like to comment or just let out a "yee-haw" contact us at feedback@geeksexplainitall.com. Tune in again next time when we will offer(humbly, of course) our tribute and analysis of a master of comedy, Mel Brooks.
 Til next time remember, If you can't run with the big dogs, stay under the porch. And yee-haw.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Episode 031: We've got an App(and a tangent) for that!

Okay, friends and neighbors, it's Tuesday and that means there's a new episode ready! In this case, GEIA's latest masterpiece is  a subject so fantastic we needed a special guest expert to assist us(remember, an expert is anybody from out of town)! We are proud and humbled to welcome the Aviator himself, Matt Sabins, of Sabins Gadgeteering Labs.
Matt joins us for the surprisingly entertaining subject "What are our favorite Apps."? And lest you think we are biased, we come to the discussion with not one, not two, but three different platforms, Windows Phone, Android and Iphone! This exercise in communications(and punchiness) can be found here. If you have an app that we overlooked contact us at feedback@geeksexplainitall.com and we will read your comments on our next show!
Our subject next time will be a big'un, Country Music. And if we have time, Western as well!
Til next time, kids, remember, may your favors always be odd. Or something.
The above picture was snapped mere seconds before Norman Reedus talked to us. True Story!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Episode 030: Roundtable 2: Just when you thought it was safe to go off on tangents...

OK kids, sorry it's taken so long but the 2nd annual Geeks Roundtable episode is finally here. We had a few technical problems but I think you'll agree it's even better than last year. We talk about everything from Doctor Who to What movies we are ashamed to admit we haven't seen. All this and our second year of making weird discoveries about William Shatner.

Our personal thanks to Matt, TJ, Becky, Shannon,Harvey, JB, and Neon for delivering the unique madness that makes this a must-listen!

Our show next time will be an in depth look at what our favorite smartphone apps are, with a special guest appearance from The Aviator himself, Matt Sabins! We will have three different platforms that we will be discussing, Iphone, Windows Phone and Android, so f you have questions, queries, posers, or comments in general, contact us at geeksexplainitall@gmail.com or feedback@geeksexplainitall.com.

Til next time, remember, just because you're not in the lead, just means you haven't found your way out of the crowd.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Episode 029: Live from the floor of MOCC!!!

Well kids, we are glad to be back with the first of three(3) epsiodes of Geeks Explain It All. This episode we have a number of interviews with various exhibitors we met at the con, as well as some viewer feedback at the end of the episode. You can check it out here. Up next, the 2nd Annual Roundtable episode!
Please contact us at geeksexplainitall@gmail.com or feedback@geeksexplainitall.com

Also remember to get over and check out our new website at geeksexplainitall.com

Friday, August 30, 2013

Episode 028: And now here's something we hope you'll REALLY like!

Greetings, Pop Culture lovers! On this episode of GEIA we talk about one of our favourite animators, Jay Ward, creator of Rocky&Bullwinkle, George of the Jungle, and many others. You can listen to this fantastic episode here.
We can be reached for comments,questions, etc., at both geeksexplainitall@gmail.com AND feedback@geeksexplainitall.com
We would like to remind our listeners, we will be taking a short hiatus in order to prepare for Wizard World Mid-Ohio Comic Con, or WWMOCC!  We will be at WWMOCC the weekend of Sept 20-21-22, if you are in the Columbus area and wish to get in on the GEIA action we will be there and basically up in everybody's grill. We will also be recording the Second annual Geeks Roundtable episode of GEIA, so if you want to contribute let us know when you see us, and we will have more info.
Til next time, kids, remember, never do anything half-assed. Being a complete ass is much more productive!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Episode 027: Headed for a Fall TV Preview

Ok, gang, we are back with another fantabulous episode of the Geeks Explain It All! This time around we take a look at the fall TV schedule to give some of our picks and pans for both brand new series and returning favorites.
You can savor it's organic goodness here.
Our topic for next time will be a salute to that animation legend, Jay Ward! That's right we will be discussing Rocky and Bullwinkle, George of the Jungle and many others!. We also would like to remind our loyal listeners that after that show we will be taking a short break to prepare for  Wizard World Mid-Ohio Comic Con. But fear not, for we shall return after that with the 2nd Annual Geeks roundtable show. Betch can't wait!
We can be reached at feedback@geeksexplainitall.com OR geeksexplainitall@gmail.com.  Remember, we incorporate ALL feedback into the show, so if you want a shout-out, GET INVOLVED!!!!!!!
Til next time remember, kids, you are what you eat...so don't be fast, easy, cheap or fake!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Episode 026:There's got to be a way to Blockbuster!

Well after some technical problems with our web host(who we have pretty much disowned) we have found a new home with hostgator.com, and as the song says we're "Feelin' stronger every day!" And just in time, too. Because otherwise you wouldn't be able to hear our latest triumphant discourse! This time around we talk about all(well, a lot, anyway) of the movies that get people out of the hot summer sun, and into an air-conditioned movie theater. That's right, it's time for the Summer Blockbusters!!!!!!!!! Cool off with us here.

As the summer continues to keep everybody hot and bothered, our thoughts turn to cooler times ahead, so our topic next time will be our first ever Fall TV preview., where we will be discussing both new and returning shows that we are looking forward to(and maybe a few we're not!) If you have a favorite show you'd like discussed, our new way to reach us is at feedback@geeksexplainitall.com or we will still be monitoring geeksexplainitall@gmail.com til the transition to the new website is complete.

Remember, kids till next time, as Ferris Bueller once said, "You can never go too far." You also can't go too near, if you think about it.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Episode 025: Reality is for people who can't handle scripted TV

Alright everybody, the new ep is here after a long-ish break for the July 4th holiday. This time around we tackle Reality Tv, it's history, and what are some of our favorite shows. This one could have easily ran over, but our professionalism prevented us from doing so. Check it out here, and let us know what you think at geeksexplainitall@gmail.com.
Our topic for next time, is a doozy, perfect for beating the heat, we will be discussing our favorite(and some not-so favorite) summer blockbusters! Yes, the movies that get you out of the hot sun and into the cool air conditioning(with popcorn!)

SPOILER ALERT: if you want a hint of at least one movie we'll be discussing, you could do FAR worse than to see Pacific Rim. Go ahead, you know you want to.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Episode 024: Dr. Who's On First!

Well just when you thought our talent and vision was endless(and really, who hasn't thought that already?), we have expanded our repertoire(translation:bag of tricks) to include guest stars! Our dear friend and renowned Dr. Who expert Becky( a.k.a. The Blue Lotus) joins us in an attempt to sway Stratosphear to jump into the deep end of the Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey. Were they successful? Find out here.
Our topic for next time will be a discussion of our favorites(and least favorites) in the genre of reality TV.
As always, we can be contacted at geeksexplainitall@gmail.com

Also as always, check out our sister podcast at the Secret Lair Drive-in.

Til next time kids, remember, wherever you go, there you TARDIS!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Episode 023: The DC Animated Universe(or our version of it)

     Greetings, surface dwellers! Do not be alarmed, for I, Aquaman, supreme ruler of the seven seas, have temporarily taken over this thing you non-regal people call a "blog"  to pass on even more of my extraordinary wisdom to you listeners! Let it be known that on this OUTRAGEOUS episode of GEIA The topic of discussion is ME!(and other parts of the DC Animated Universe!) You may listen to this superlative piece of podcasting here.
     The geeks topic next time will not, alas, be about my magnificence. Rather, they will be discussing something called "Dr. Who".
     If you wish to contact the Geeks to talk about my heroics(or anything else) you can do so at geeksexplainitall@gmail.com
Remember, you may never be as heroic or as outrageous as me, but you should never stop trying!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Episode 022: Here's the story of a kick-ass rock show...

   Well, we're definitely trying to stretch our limits and knowledge this week! Our subject is what I like to refer to as Narrative Rock, which is a catch-all name for Rock Operas, concept albums, i.e., anything with a storyline. I know it was an educational experience for D-Dub and I learned a few things myself.
     Check out this slice of EPIC-ness here.

     Our topic we tackle next time around will be a look at some of our favorites from the DC Animated Universe.

Comments? Questions? Queries? Posers? Send 'em our way at geeksexplainitall@gmail.com

Til next time, kids, remember, it's Memorial Day, not BBQ day. If you can, thank a veteran for his or her service.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Episode 021: The existential blue(meanie)s

     Well, after the the truly demented heights(or lows?) of our Looney Tunes Episode we decided to scale things back a bit for this weeks discussion of The Beatles On Film! Just as the Beatles themselves attempted to get back to their roots with what eventually became Let It Be, We're giving you loyal listeners a sort of retro episode(for us anyway). That means no sound clips, no background music, just D-Dub and I having an old-fashioned discussion on The Beatles film career. Still a pretty spiffy episode, if you ask me(and if you didn't why are you reading this blog?). Any road, you can sample its' Beatle-y goodness here.
     Our next two topics we will tackle will be Narrative Rock, which is my weird term for Rock Operas, Concept Albums, anything that tells a story(and rocks, hopefully!), followed by a look at the DC Comics Animated Universe.
     Like (or don't like)what you hear and want to let us know? Drop us a line at  geeksexplainitall@gmail.com
     Check out our sister podcast at the Secret Lair Drive-in where we are doing our review of our first year by awarding the Lair-ies for the films we loved, (as well as those, well, not so much).

Be good kids, and til next time, remember, you should never drink and drive(even though to get a drink, you have to show them something that says you can drive).

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Episode 020:Of course you realize this means War(ner Brothers)!

     Alrighty, Geeks and geekettes I know I've said this in the past, but this is our best episode yet! This time around we tackle the vast catalog of Warner Brothers cartoons and come each come up with our top 5(at least off the top of our head). How we got through this episode without totally losing it laughing is amazing, but that's how professional we are! Besides, you, the fans are worth it!
     The laughs and the reviews can be found here.
     Our next couple episode include our salute to the Beatles on film for our one year anniversary show and after that a lesson in Narrative Rock(Concept Albums, Rock Operas, anything that tells a story).
     Check out our sister podcast at the Secret Lair Drive-In where we review the 1954 classic, Them!

Til next time , kids, remember, It takes a big man to cry, but it takes a bigger man to laugh at that man.

Later, kids!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Episode 019: We're throwing the book(series) at you!!!

Greetings, culture lovers! On this intellectually scintillating episode of Geeks Explain It All , we delve into the world of books. More specifically the world of our favorite book series. For an episode that was supposed to be a bit of a breather after the previous episode we actually had an enormous amount of fun with this one as well. I am fairly confident that some of our choices of favorite book series will surprise you. Hell,it surprised us on a few of them! But that's the fun of GEIA! A special prize will be awarded to whomever can name all the various music embedded in this episode!
     Anywho, this intellectual manna from heaven falls here.
     Our upcoming topics include Warner Brothers cartoons:our top 5 and after that,  for our anniversary show we're going to be discussing The Beatles cinematic excursions(or as you colonists refer to them, movies)!
      If you have any suggestions for these upcoming shows or have a comment or question contact us at geeksexplainitall@gmail.com! 
     Heck, as long as you're checking stuff out, check out our sister podcast at The Secret Lair Drive-In!

Remember, kids, til next time, keep your feet on the stars and keep reaching for the ground. Or something.

P.S. A special prize will be awarded to whomever can name all the various music embedded in this episode!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Episode 018: (Almost)Live from Cleveland:It's Saturday Morning!!!

     Alright, friends and neighbors! Just in time for Easter, a brand new episode of Geeks Explain It All! This time around we offer a sequel to one of our more popular episodes, Saturday Morning Fever! What can we possibly do to follow up such entertainment gold? Why, talk about the live-action stuff, of course! That's right, we are accompanied by the patron saints of Saturday morning, Sid and Marty Krofft(although it turns out Filmation had a sizable chunk of the action as well). If you're not smiling as you listen to this one, then you must be too young to remember(if that's the case, you should at least be rolling your eyes at us old farts!). You can turn down memory lane here.
     Okay, after such a maximum length(76 minutes, yo) cool episode, we are going to take it down a notch next time and discuss favorite book series, both printed and/or illustrated. Got a favorite you would like to hear discussed? Let us know at geeksexplainitall@gmail.com
     Our show after that will be ratcheting up the excitement again, for we shall be discussing favorite Warner Brothers cartoons of all time!!!!!

Til next time remember, kids, Christos Voskres! (C'mon guys, look it up, you might learn something)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Episode 017: Alas[your favorite show], we hardly knew ye...

Okay, friends and neighbors, we are on schedule(more or less) with the latest episode of Geeks Explain It All. The scintillating subject we tackle this time is Gone before their time, or Brilliant But Cancelled. In this episode we discuss many of our favorite shows that, due to executive meddling, or other reasons only lasted a season or two, before being taken off the air. This is a special episode, because for the first time we are able to offer listener feedback. See, we're not just imagining you people! Check it out here.
Our next two topics will be Saturday Morning Live Action Shows, followed by favorite Book Series. If you have any thoughts on these or any other subjects we can be reached at geeksexplainitall@gmail.com
As always, check out our sister podcast at the secret lair drive-in!
Also we know there has been some frustration(mainly on our parts) that we are no longer available on iTunes but FEAR NOT TRUE BELIEVERS! We are taking steps to correct this matter and hope to be back, if not this episode then the next one for sure.
Til next time, remember kids play nice or we'll have to separate ya!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Episode 016: Let's go Surfin' now, everybody's learning how...

Well, in spite of the cold weather, we are almost back to being on a regular schedule, so we are proud to present a brand new, hot-off-the-presses episode of Geeks Explain It All. Our topic this week(inspired by the heat wave of 25 degree temperatures) is Surf Music! So let's all wax up our boards, get in our woodies and check out the waves here. Come on in, the water's fine!

Our next two topics will be TV shows that were cancelled before their time, and then after that we will be presenting a sequel to our most popular podcast, on Saturday Morning TV--This time we will be tackling the Live-action stuff. If you have any comments on the Surf show, or have subjects you'd like to see mentioned on an upcoming show, please contact us at geeksexplainitall@gmail.com

If you'd like to explore the waves further, check out our sister podcast at The Secret Lair Drive-In where we will be talking about the Del Tenney classic, The Horror Of Party Beach!

And also, Like us on Facebook, blah,blah,blah, c'mon kids, you know the words!

Til Next time kids, remember, don't step in the Cowabunga!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Episode 015: The Silver age of comics, Part 1--Make Mine Marvel!

Well, alrighty then, the new episode of Geeks Explain It All is up and it is a doozy: The Silver age of Comics! In Part one, we discuss the creation of the Marvel Universe as put forth by Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, and other cosmic entities. Betcha can't wait!

You can check out its celestial awesomeness here.

Our next episode will be everything you've ever wanted to know(and probably a lot you didn't want to know) about Surf Music! Just the thing to keep you warm in the middle of the winter!

As always, our email address is geeksexplainitall@gmail.com

Check out our sister podcast at secretlairpodcast.blogspot.com

Till next time kids, remember, we're homies, don't try this with a professional!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Episode 014: Don't they know it's the End Of The World?

OK gang, we are trying our darnedest to keep the new episodes coming on a more steady basis. In that spirit, we are proud to present, in honor of the (non)apocalypse predicted by the (Extinct) Mayans, post-apocalyptic cinema! That's right, our discussion will be on the subject of the end of the world and what happens afterward, or at least how it has been shown in some of our favorite movies!

You can try to rebuild civilization starting here.

Our topic for next time will be The Silver Age of Comics, Part One:Make Mine Marvel!

Be sure and check out our sister podcast at http://secretlairpodcast.blogspot.com/.

Til next time , remember, you don't have to go here, but you can't stay home. Or something.