Monday, February 18, 2013

Episode 016: Let's go Surfin' now, everybody's learning how...

Well, in spite of the cold weather, we are almost back to being on a regular schedule, so we are proud to present a brand new, hot-off-the-presses episode of Geeks Explain It All. Our topic this week(inspired by the heat wave of 25 degree temperatures) is Surf Music! So let's all wax up our boards, get in our woodies and check out the waves here. Come on in, the water's fine!

Our next two topics will be TV shows that were cancelled before their time, and then after that we will be presenting a sequel to our most popular podcast, on Saturday Morning TV--This time we will be tackling the Live-action stuff. If you have any comments on the Surf show, or have subjects you'd like to see mentioned on an upcoming show, please contact us at

If you'd like to explore the waves further, check out our sister podcast at The Secret Lair Drive-In where we will be talking about the Del Tenney classic, The Horror Of Party Beach!

And also, Like us on Facebook, blah,blah,blah, c'mon kids, you know the words!

Til Next time kids, remember, don't step in the Cowabunga!

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