Sunday, May 13, 2012

Geeks Explain It All...Explained!!!!!!!!!!!

OK , welcome to the Geeks Explain It All blog! First of all, quick shout out for Mother's Day to all the Mom's out there. Next, I'd like to talk a little about our new podcast show "Geeks Explain It All". I will be co-hosting it with my soul brother Darkwind(affectionately known as "D-Dub"). We will be talking about anything pop culture, preferably stuff from the 60s thru the 80s. Anything from TV shows, comics, music, movies(although Monster movies is discussed on our other podcast "Darkwind's secret lair", specifically the "It came from beneath the drive-in movie" segment) is fair game: if we aren't already experts on the subject(doubtful) we will research using our vast resources of info(i.e., the Internet). On this first week's show we will be discussing the legacy of the Beatles music and which songs/albums are our personal favorites and which ones we like the least. If you have any suggestions for future topics please feel free to leave us feedback.
Thanx again and remember, just because it's pop, don't mean it's not culture!

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