Sunday, May 27, 2012

Episode 2 Post-Mortem

Well, another show "in the can" as they say, and another great one it was(what did you expect?). I'm thinking we will come back and revisit this subject another time because we were only able to touch on a few comic series due to time restrictions, but I believe we had a good discussion, and good discussions are never truly over, they just get put on hold til next time. Our sound quality continues to improve and we even cut a few promos for the show and station. Special thanks to Princess BunBun for her assistance. Are there subjects relating to pop culture you would like us to tackle for future shows? We would LUV to hear from you! Please contact us at and as we've said before, if it's something we aren't familiar with(doubtful) we will research that puppy and give you the best darn show you ever heard. Our topic for Ep. 3 is going to be "Obscure Cartoons from 60's and 70's." If you've got a favorite let us know...see ya at the Star, SKFT!

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