Saturday, December 22, 2012

Episode 013: So THIS was Christmas

Well, gang, our 1st annual Xmas Geekstravaganza is now available. I know I have said this before, but truly this is our best episode ever. Our discussion of our favorite Christmas specials from days gone by is truly fantastic, and I believe, something rather special. If this is your first time listening to us, you are in for a treat. If you are a long time listener, you will be amazed at how the show has improved(something we hope to continually do!).

This audio mug of Eggnog can be found here.

Our topic for next time, in honor of the end-of-the-world-that-didn't-happen will be a discussion of our favorite post-apocalyptic movies. Have a favorite end of the world you would like us to discuss? Drop us a line at Also check out our sister podcast at where we will be reviewing Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla. And just for the hell of it, like us on Facebook!

 A very Merry and safe Christmas to all of our Families, Friends and Listeners!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Episode 012: I was working in the lab late one night...

Well, kids, better late than never! Our Halloween episode is finally up for your enjoyment, perusal and imminent critique(whatever that is). The subject? Why, Universal Horror films, what else? As usual, we cover a variety of topics within the subject and still make it hold together. Our fans(both of them) have come to expect no less.
Anywho, you can thrill and chill to the episode here.

Our topic for next time will be a discussion of our favorite Xmas specials. Please, let us know what your favorites are and why at We are all looking forward to this special Holiday themed episode.

As usual, stop in and check out our sister podcast at  Darkwind's Secret Lair.

If you haven't already, please like us on Facebook.

Til next time, remember, If K.F.C Stands for Kentucky Fried Chicken, Why do they play sweet home Alabama on the commercials?

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Episode 011: Don't look now but here come the '80's!

Well, kids, FINALLY a new episode of GEIA is up for your listening perusal. The topic this time around is the music of the 80's! The only thing that was less than completely awesome about this episode is that we didn't have near enough time to get into all the discussions we would have liked to. I would like to go on record as saying we will definitely have a sequel sometime in the future, because we had a blast reliving this music.
You can listen to our modest brilliance here.

Our topic for next time will be Universal Horror films of the 30's and 40's; got a fave you want discussed? contact us at

As always, like us on Facebook.

Also, check out our sister podcast at Darkwind's Secret Lair.

Til next time,kiddies, remember, If "con" is the opposite of "pro," then what is the opposite of progress?

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Episode 010: Geek Roundtable-Tangents high, tangents low, tangents everywhere you go!

Well, kids, sorry for the delay, but going to Comic-con was a huge thing, and took up a lot of time, but it was SOOOO worth it. But fear not, True Believers, for I have emerged from this experience with a Very Special Episode of GEIA(no, this is not Blossom). Yes, it's the First Annual Geek Roundtable show! Our special guests include members of the Great Lake Guardians, the greatest superhero team you never heard of! We cover a multitude of subjects, some of which included Convention etiquette, William Shatner and making the Blue Lotus laugh! It's a highly entertaining episode with 13 extra minutes for your listening pleasure.
     You can luxuriate in it's awesomeness here.
     Next time, as previously promised, the music of the 80's! Get out your skinny ties and mini-skirts, 'cause we're gonna talk about New Wave and other important musical stuff from the so-called "Decade of Greed". Got some 80's stuff you want discussed? Or just like to test our powers of humility? E-mail us at !
     As always, if you don't already, like us on Facebook.
     Don't forget to check out our sister Podcast at Darkwind's Secret Lair

     Until next time kids, remember, saying, 'I'm sorry' is the same as saying, ' I apologize.' Except at a funeral.


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Episode 009:Superhero Smackdown: When Tangents Ruled The Earth

     G'Day, Campers! It's another fine episode we have for you on tap at Geeks Explain It All. This time our scintillating episode is all about : Who Would Win? In various superhero battles, that is. For those of you who love when D-Dub and I go off on things that have nothing to do with the actual subject(and let's face it, who doesn't?), you have reached the motherlode, True Believers! From Abba(yes, Abba) to Space:1999, we discuss everything you can imagine and then some. And yet, it's all perfectly relevant to the subject at hand. You can listen to this slice of internet goodness, seared to perfection here.

     Our topic for next episode will be the music of the 80's! Get out your big hair and skinny ties! Got some 80's stuff you want us to discuss, let us know at

     As always, check out our sister podcast at Darkwind's Secret Lair.

     Finally, like us on Facebook.

Til next time, remember, Live Long on Prospect(Cleveland joke).

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Episode 008:The Obligatory Star Trek Episode(You knew it would happen eventually)

     So it's come to this:Anyone that knows ANYTHING about D-Dub and Stratosphear knows that we are Trekkers from WAY back. So why did we wait until the 8th episode to discuss it? Well, good things are worth waiitng for, and this episode is definitely a good thing. We have an in-depth discussion of the history of the franchise, along with our ideas for a possible reboot of the TV franchise(since the movie reboot did phenomenally well). What are those ideas, you may very well ask? Well, you'll just have to discover for yourself here. I am confident our thoughts will amaze and delight you(after all, they amazed and delighted us!).
     Our topic for next week will be Superhero Smackdown: Who would win? We will be discussing the theoretical outcomes of conflicts between Superman Vs. Hulk, Batman vs. Daredevil, and others. Do you have an imaginary battle between your favorite comic heroes? Let us know at and we'll mention it on the show!
     Be sure to check out our sister podcast at Darkwind's Secret Lair

Til next time kids, remember, don't try this at home:We're Professionals!
P.S.Like us on Facebook!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Episode 007: Underrated, keep it all out of sight...

Well, the brand-spankin new Ep. of GEIA is up, and I gotta say, it's almost getting to be too easy! We had tons of fun both preparing and recording this one. Part of it, no doubt is from knowing we actually have people listening to this podcast. We'll keep going as long as it's fun, and knowing we have actual fans makes it lotsa fun! Anywho, this episode has(as usual) a fascinating subject: who are the three most underrated guitarists of all time? Our answers will surprise and delight you, I'm sure.(They may infuriate you, on the other hand. Let us know!) We definitely had differing opinions but we made great arguments for our choices, and at the end of it all, inspired each other to check out some new stuff.

You can listen to the new show here.

Our show next time will be an intriguing one(as they all are): our thoughts on how to reboot the Star Trek TV franchise.

As always, feedback is encouraged, welcomed, and appreciated. Our email address is Also, like us on Facebook here.

While you're checking stuff out check out our sister podcast here.

Until next time, behave, yeah, baby!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Episode 006: And so we're told this is the golden age(of Comics)

After much rending of garments and gnashing of teeth, the new episode is up! This weeks subject is the golden age of comic books. We talk about it's origins, some key figures from the era, and how it wound down(setting the stage for future episode The Silver Age of Comics).
You can check it out here.

We are now on Facebook! Like us at Geeks Explain It All.

As always, a quick shout-out for our sister podcast Darkwind's Secret Lair,you can check it out here.

Our topic for next week will be The three most underrated guitarists in rock history. If you have a favorite obscure guitarist who doesn't get their fair share of praise, drop us a line at

Adios, mes amis!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Just a quick note...

Just  to let all our fans know, we are now on facebook! just search for Geeks Explain It All and Like us!

 Or Check it out here.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Episode 005:Voyage to the Land that was Lost in the Time Tunnel, or something..

Another pulse-pounding episode from the GEIA crew has been posted for this week! Our subject for this week is the legacy of the master of disaster himself, Irwin Allen. Y"know, for a subject that I was nowhere near as well-versed in as my partner, D-Dub, I actually had such a great time discussing and dissecting these shows, that I am going to endeavor to watch more of these classics on my own. I guess it's true what they say, everything you experience goes toward making you a more well-rounded person, even talking carrots. What talking carrots, you ask? Well, you can find out by listening to the show here.
Our subject for the next show is a big'un, the Golden Age Of Comics. If you have a favorite from this era that you would like us to discuss, please contact us here.
As always, our sister podcast is Darkwind's Secret Lair.

Until next time campers, remember,if pro and con are opposites, wouldn't the opposite of progress be congress?

Shalom, amigos.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Episode 004:That's The Way I Wanna (corporate) Rock

New Ep finally up!!!! Well worth the wait if you ask me(and frankly, who wouldn't?). In this thrill packed episode we set about debunking the idea of corporate rock, and bring our usual finesse and state-of-the-art geekery to the subject. Ranting, raving, and some actual surprises on both sides of the microphone make this a can't miss episode.
You can find it here.
Topic for next show will be "Irwin Allen: Visionary or Cheapskate"
Any topics you want us to tackle for future shows? Just want to tell us how indespensible our wisdom is to your life? Either way we can be reached at our gmail address.

Also check our sister show at

Until next time, Namaste, kiddies!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Please Stand By...

Due to some profit-center difficulties(i.e. our actual jobs) there will be no new episode of Geeks Explain It All this week.The management of GEIA sincerely apologizes for this inconvenience and assures you that the next episode will be more than worth the wait. However, the current plan is to  have a brand-spankin' new episode in the pipeline so that you and yours may enjoy it during this festive Holiday week.
God Bless America (and the Geeks).


Saturday, June 16, 2012

Episode 003: Saturday Morning Fever

Well, I must say, this was a great show and certainly the most fun one yet! The subject at hand was "obscure cartoons from our youth". Well, maybe a few were more obscure than others , but it was great talking about all those 'toons from our misspent youth(s). You can listen to our scintillating commentary here. One observation that was made was that a lot of the Saturday morning cartoon lineups changed to mostly live-action shows, so we will be definitely strolling down this particular part of memory lane again one day. Maybe we could do a whole show just on Sid and Marty Krofft alone, who knows. If there is something from YOUR childhood you would like to see explored in depth PLEASE contact us at

Namaste, Kids!


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Episode 002:It's the end of the Continuity as we know it(and I feel fine)

Okay, keeping the streak going with another great episode! The topic of discussion was Graphic Novels and Event storylines in comics. Who is better, DC or Marvel? The answer may surprise you! Be sure to tune in for the answer at this most excellent location. As always, we love to hear from you! Please leave feedback(good or bad) at our most excellent e-mail address.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Okay, added background picture and profile picture to blog. Now if I could get the rss feed to work we'll call it a success!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Episode 001: Beatles:the good, the bad and the Hey jude

Episode 1, Talked about the Beatles and which albums/singles were our favorites and which were our worst. Feedback is always welcome at
Get it here.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Episode 2 Post-Mortem

Well, another show "in the can" as they say, and another great one it was(what did you expect?). I'm thinking we will come back and revisit this subject another time because we were only able to touch on a few comic series due to time restrictions, but I believe we had a good discussion, and good discussions are never truly over, they just get put on hold til next time. Our sound quality continues to improve and we even cut a few promos for the show and station. Special thanks to Princess BunBun for her assistance. Are there subjects relating to pop culture you would like us to tackle for future shows? We would LUV to hear from you! Please contact us at and as we've said before, if it's something we aren't familiar with(doubtful) we will research that puppy and give you the best darn show you ever heard. Our topic for Ep. 3 is going to be "Obscure Cartoons from 60's and 70's." If you've got a favorite let us know...see ya at the Star, SKFT!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Episode 1 Post-mortem

Well, the first GEIA hit the internet this week, and with all due respect and humility, I thought we did a downright spiffy job. History may prove me wrong, as always, but I like my odds. Just to give a sneak peek, on the next GEIA the discussion will be: "Marvel vs. DC: who is better at Graphic Novels and Event storylines?" The answers...may shock and disturb you! Fear not! We make the shocking merely entertaining! Betcha can't wait.
Remember, just cause it ain't pop, don't mean it's not culture!

Namaste, Kids!


Sunday, May 13, 2012

Geeks Explain It All...Explained!!!!!!!!!!!

OK , welcome to the Geeks Explain It All blog! First of all, quick shout out for Mother's Day to all the Mom's out there. Next, I'd like to talk a little about our new podcast show "Geeks Explain It All". I will be co-hosting it with my soul brother Darkwind(affectionately known as "D-Dub"). We will be talking about anything pop culture, preferably stuff from the 60s thru the 80s. Anything from TV shows, comics, music, movies(although Monster movies is discussed on our other podcast "Darkwind's secret lair", specifically the "It came from beneath the drive-in movie" segment) is fair game: if we aren't already experts on the subject(doubtful) we will research using our vast resources of info(i.e., the Internet). On this first week's show we will be discussing the legacy of the Beatles music and which songs/albums are our personal favorites and which ones we like the least. If you have any suggestions for future topics please feel free to leave us feedback.
Thanx again and remember, just because it's pop, don't mean it's not culture!