Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Episode 039: Time travel for the post-post-post modern geek!

They say that tangents are an occupational hazard when traveling through time, and boy if that's not what we did. I think we hit a new record for number of times getting off-topic, all while(strangely enough) seeming like we were staying ON topic. Just another example of a time travel paradox? You be the judge, check it out here.
Disclaimer 1:Be forewarned, we both ranted and rambled(mostly Strat) but we assure it's engaging as all get out.
Disclaimer 2: There are tons of spoilers for TV shows, movies and other things, so don't say we didn't warn you.

As always, we can be reached at geeksexplainitall@gmail.com or feedback@geeksexplainitall.com

Our topic for next time will be the much anticipated Silver Age of DC show!!!!

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