Friday, December 5, 2014

Episode 048: Beeping the Night Away...Video Games!!!

Hope you brought your quarters(or tokens) because we're back with our latest stroll down Memory Lane! We  discuss the early days of arcade video game (along with some cool retro soundbites!) and then we move on to a discussion of Atari 2600 vs. Intellivision. To listen, just hit PLAYER ONE START. If there's a video game that was your favorite that we didn't discuss, drop us a line at or

Well, next time, we find ourselves in the middle of the holiday season, along with the accompanying holiday music. D-Dub and I are going to discuss the music we love and hate(MOSTLY hate) about the season.

P.S. Make sure you listen to this one with the headphones on!!!!

P.P.S. Make sure to stay tuned at the end of the episode for our videogame megamix!!!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Episode 047: Comic Stripped to the Bone!

Remember when you used to read the comics when you were a kid? Remember when you lived for seeing your favorite characters every day? Remember when we used to update this thing more regularly? Well, fear not, true believers, for we here at GEIA remember those things too, and are prepared to discuss for hours(well, one hour, anyway) our favorites and why we like them. Check it out here. It feels like we barely scratched the surface on this one, so if you have a favorite that we didn't get to contact us at or

Many,many,many,many,many,many,many,many,many,many,many,many,many,many,many,many, many,many,many,many,many,many,MANY thanks to Joe Eiden for filling in for this episode!
Don't worry, guys, D-Dub will be back next time!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Episode 046: It takes diff'rent actors to move the world!

You know that thing where a character on a show is played by more than one actor? Or their character is written off the show, only to be replaced by a different character(who basically fills the same role as the old one)? Strat and D-Dub make fine sport of this topic, and there are only two bleeps in the whole episode!!! Check it out here.

Our topic next time(with a special mystery guest) will be comic strips, a brief history and some of our favorites.

As always we can be reached at or

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Episode 045: C'mon baby, shake your body, do the Kong(a)!

Y'know, we here at GEIA would like to say, for the record, that real life sucks. Why, you may ask? Well, for one thing it keeps getting in the way of us getting to record your(and coincidentally, our) favorite show. But eventually the planets align and we come with a gem of a show like this one. And what do we thrill the masses with this time around? Why none other than a discussion of a subject near and dear to D-Dub's heart since he was a kid, the great ape himself, KING KONG! Check it out here.

 We are attempting to get back on a regular schedule, so please be patient with us kids, We've got some really good shows that are coming up in the next few months. In the meantime ,as always, contact us at or

R.I.P. Robin Williams. You were inspirational and you will be missed.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Episode 044: A (very brief) history of recorded media

Just to do something a little different , this time around our discussion is not about a specific pop culture topic, but rather about different ways that we experience said pop culture. We get into the history of both recorded music and video, and how that has affected our perceptions of things. Check it out!

Many, many thanks to Joe Eiden for suggesting this weeks topic. If you have an idea for a future show, or just like to hear your name said out loud, contact us at or

Our topic next time will be a subject that is near and dear to D-Dub's heart: The history and phenomenon of...


Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Episode 043: How do these people keep getting work? AKA"The Hate Episode"

Ever notice how people with little(or at the very least limited)talent keep getting roles in movies and making tons o' money? Well so do we, and we felt it was about time somebody did some serious ranting and raving about this subject!!!
 Do you agree with our choices? Or do you feel we're crazy(or uninformed)? Let us know at or

Our topic for next time is somewhat clouded in secrecy, but we can tell you it will involve a bit of a history lesson, and it was suggested by our good friend, Joe Eiden!

Betcha can't wait!

R.I.P. Casey Kasem!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Episode 042: Whatever happened to...?

Ever wondered what happened to your favorite bands? Well, this time around we discuss OUR favorites and what happened to them(eh,close enough). We discuss, Little River Band, Greg Kihn, and several others.

WARNING: If you are a die-hard fan of Michael Stanley, you might want to pass this episode up. If on the other hand, you want some good dirt and hear D-Dub lose his s**t, by all means take a listen!

If you have suggestions for future shows, suggestions on how we have betrayed a Cleveland favorite, or even Post-hypnotic suggestions, go to or and as they say, let 'er rip!!!

Since this was about artists that we love(or used to anyway), we thought next time around we'd talk about who we hate. Well, hate is maybe TOO strong a word, but we will be asking "How do these people keep finding work?????"

Until next time, remember, if there's an exception to every rule, is there an exception to THAT rule?

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Episode 041: Disney Theme Parks, and where to find them!

Everything you ever wanted to know about Disney theme parks! Yeh, that's what we wanted to discuss, but unfortunately the constraints of time prohibited us from talking about ABSOLUTELY everything. Still, this turned out to be a very fun episode, all about our various experiences with the parks, and also(as always) some pretty cool trivia. Check out our meeting of the Mouse here.

As stated, we actually ran short on time, so there were a few stories, such as D-Dub's abandoned Waterpark adventure that we were unable to get into. To find out the whole story, or just 'cause you'd like to talk to us, contact us at or

Our subject next time around will be a discussion of music acts( and possibly others) that we haven't heard from in a while; Whatever happened to...?

Til next time, remember, you better behave;don't make us turn this podcast around.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Episode 040: The Silver Age of Comics Part 2: The Distinguished Competition!

In the interst of equal time(and shutting Strat the hell up) we devote this show to a discussion of the silver age of comics; this time around we talk about DC comics(and truth be known, we throw in a little about Marvel, just for comparison's sake). Throw in a little feedback from Joe's Corner and you've got another great episode in the books. Check it out here.

The article on DC vs Marvel that is discussed can be found here.

As always, when giving feedback, (good, bad or otherwise), contact us at or

Tune in again next time when our topic will be a discussion of Disney Parks. That's right, Disney parks. Deal with it.

Til next time kids, remember, there are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand Binary and those who don't.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Episode 039: Time travel for the post-post-post modern geek!

They say that tangents are an occupational hazard when traveling through time, and boy if that's not what we did. I think we hit a new record for number of times getting off-topic, all while(strangely enough) seeming like we were staying ON topic. Just another example of a time travel paradox? You be the judge, check it out here.
Disclaimer 1:Be forewarned, we both ranted and rambled(mostly Strat) but we assure it's engaging as all get out.
Disclaimer 2: There are tons of spoilers for TV shows, movies and other things, so don't say we didn't warn you.

As always, we can be reached at or

Our topic for next time will be the much anticipated Silver Age of DC show!!!!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Episode 038: He's just A Bill(Murray, that is!)

As the song says, it's been a long cold lonely winter! We are still fighting to bring you episodes of(we're assuming) your favorite podcast(s)! This time around we discuss one of our favorite actors, Bill Murray. We also manage to fit about five other topics in, and of course, plenty of fun sound clips! Check it out here. 

If you have comments, questions, complaints, etc., please feel free to contact us at or

Our topic next time around will be time travel(Non-Doctor who related, we will devote another show in a few weeks to the good doctor)

P.S. We would like to acknowledge the passing of one of the GEIA brotherhood, Will Dearduff III. He died suddenly(actually the same morning we recorded this show) and is survived by his wife and daughter. If you would like to donate to his memorial fund(which helps towards funeral expenses), please go to

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Episode 037:The Slow Heat Death Of Saturday Morning, Or 80's Cartoons!

Okay, you caught me, I know I said last time we were going to talk about about Bill Murray. What can I say, D-Dub's and my brains are so frozen, we're lucky we can remember where either one of us live, much less what we're talking about next week! Anyhoo, we are having a discussion this time around of cartoons from our favorite decade, the 80's! Turns out for the most part we prefer the music of the decade, but we still had a few interesting points to make. You can catch it here. Lots of great sound clips and theme songs in this one, so sit back and enjoy. Or stand. No pressure.

If you have a comment or question about this or any other episode please contact us at or

Next time we will be discussing the career  and films of Bill Murray. Really. C'mon, we wouldn't screw with you guys two shows in a row.
Or would we?
Nah, just kidding!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Episode 036: And now, the Movies, folks!

Well, gang, in spite of the all the global warming that we keep having to shovel out of our driveways, we have managed to submit(for your approval) another episode of Geeks Explain It All!
This time around we start off with some fan mail from our friend Joe, which leads us into a discussion of how the advent of the home video/DVD/Blu-ray era has seen the late night movie hosts fall by the wayside.
An intriguing episode( even for us) it can be found here.
If you would like to comment, criticize, contact us, check us out or anything else starting with the letter "c" we are at as well as
Don't forget to tune in next time, when we will be have an in-depth discussion of the coolness that is Bill Murray!

Til next time, Happy Valentine's Day, and remember, you always love the one you hurt. Or Something.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Episode 035: It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a franchise!

Well, gang, we are finally back, post-holiday, with another fantastic episode of GEIA. This time around we tackle the lengthy subject of Superman in media other than the actual comics! All your live action favourites and a few animated ones as well! Check it out here! If you have any comments, questions or any kind of feedback, drop us a line at or

Until next time, kids, remember, in the words of Muhammad Ali, "Superman don't need no seat belt"

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Special enhanced Bonus Episode - Underrated Guitarists!

Well, never let it be said here at GEIA that we let technology get the better of us; the fact is, we LOVE technology, but sometimes, time, resources, and the learning curve prevent us from utilizing it to it's fullest. Case in point, our episode about our favorite underrated guitarists(#7, for those keeping track), is a great episode, but you can't hear examples of what we're talking about. Well, lo and behold, we dug deep into the GEIA vault, pulled that sucker out, slapped some technology on there, and VOILA! Our first enhanced episode!Check It Out Here!
Thanks for being fans and stay tuned for future episodes!