Saturday, June 22, 2013

Episode 024: Dr. Who's On First!

Well just when you thought our talent and vision was endless(and really, who hasn't thought that already?), we have expanded our repertoire(translation:bag of tricks) to include guest stars! Our dear friend and renowned Dr. Who expert Becky( a.k.a. The Blue Lotus) joins us in an attempt to sway Stratosphear to jump into the deep end of the Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey. Were they successful? Find out here.
Our topic for next time will be a discussion of our favorites(and least favorites) in the genre of reality TV.
As always, we can be contacted at

Also as always, check out our sister podcast at the Secret Lair Drive-in.

Til next time kids, remember, wherever you go, there you TARDIS!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Episode 023: The DC Animated Universe(or our version of it)

     Greetings, surface dwellers! Do not be alarmed, for I, Aquaman, supreme ruler of the seven seas, have temporarily taken over this thing you non-regal people call a "blog"  to pass on even more of my extraordinary wisdom to you listeners! Let it be known that on this OUTRAGEOUS episode of GEIA The topic of discussion is ME!(and other parts of the DC Animated Universe!) You may listen to this superlative piece of podcasting here.
     The geeks topic next time will not, alas, be about my magnificence. Rather, they will be discussing something called "Dr. Who".
     If you wish to contact the Geeks to talk about my heroics(or anything else) you can do so at
Remember, you may never be as heroic or as outrageous as me, but you should never stop trying!