Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Episode 057: Disney Movies--The Golden Era, Part One

This time around we are trying something a little different from our usual geekery, we are having the first of what we hope will be several discussions about Disney Movies. We cover Everything from Snow White to Peter Pan this time around. Along the way we make an interesting number of digressions. We even mention Jaws. Check it out here.
As usual, we can be reached at geeksexplainitall@gmail.com , or feedback@geeksexplainitall.com.

Next time: 70's working class cinema!!!!!

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Episode 056: The World's Greatest Comic Magazine, not so much the Franchise!

     Alright, we're finally starting to get some momentum, so, in the vein of our similar shows about Superman and Batman, here is our look at The Fantastic Four in Other Media! (Who says we don't give equal time?)

Anyways, to learn about the different incarnations of the FF( not to mention hearing Bill Murray as Johnny Storm!)click here.

As always we can be reached at geeksexplainitall@gmail.com or feedback@geeksexplainitall.com

Next time: Disney, The Early Years!

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Episode 055: Who Left the Story Out?

Okay, guys, after a WAY too lengthy absence (which we are going to rectify), we now present our long-awaited Doctor Who Series 9 wrap-up, and our look ahead at Series 10.

We sometimes stay on topic, but for the most part it's the tangential goodness you have come to expect from us.

Quite frankly, dear listeners, you deserve no less.

Check it out here.

As always, feel free to contact us at geeksexplainitall@gmail.com or feedback@geeksexplainitall.com

Next time: the FF!!!!
(No, not fabulous foodies, the Fantastic Four!)