Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Episode 053: The Hate Episode - Special Limited Star Wars Edition!!!

...Wherein Stratosphear completely loses his freakin' mind and castigates(look it up, fanboy) everybody's favorite franchise, Star Wars. Well, mostly the merchandising and marketing and...well, you get the idea. D-Dub mostly shrugs and says "okay", so as to not alienate what fans we have left. Check out the rant of the century here.
If you want to rebut, refute, redoubt, reject OR recycle anything on this episode , send it to geeksexplainitall@gmail.com or feedback@geeksexplainitall.com

PS. Big thanks to the guys at Sci-Fried, whom I used their "Star Wars Idiot" completely without their permission!

Friday, October 2, 2015

Episode 052: This is serious, we never talked about Power Trios before!

Well, we're finally starting to get back on track, and to prove it, we've got a dandy little episode of GEIA where we talk about that most beloved of classic rock institutions, the Power Trio. Who are some of our favourites(and NOT so favourites)? To find out, check it out here. If there's a power trio we missed, or if you have an idea for a future show contact us at geeksexplainitall@ gmail.com or feedback@geeksexplainitall.com. Please remember to leave us a rating or a review on iTunes!

Next time, an extremely special Star Wars show. Be afraid. Be VERY afraid.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Episode 051 :Tune in today, Same Bat-Time, Same Bat-Podcast!

Three words: WE ARE BACK!!!! We deeply apologize for the delay, but we've finally managed to record a new episode, and a pretty darned spiffy one, if we do say so ourselves(and we do). The subject this time is a look at the Batman in other Media(similar to our Superman show). The Bat-Computer says it can be found here!!!

Our topic for next time is a rarity, a music topic picked out by D-Dub: POWER TRIOS!!! From Cream to Nirvana and possibly beyond, we will be jamming!!!!

Also PUH-LEEEZE can someone leave us some feedback on itunes?

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Episode 050: Dr. Who's Next

Hello again, ye faithful, and welcome to another year of outstanding conversations about geek culture here at Geeks Explain It All. To get the new year started off in style we are proud to present a follow up to our most popular episode ever, The Dr. Who episode!  When we last left our intrepid podcasters, Stratosphear had tentatively stuck his big tow in the deep pool of the Whovian universe. Now, most excellent study that he is, he now does a synchronized cannonball with D-Dub into the deep end  An in-depth discussion of ALL the doctors follows. Is this the end of the discussion? Hardly!!!
We ask you, the fans, to do two things:
1). Check out the episode at these coordinates.
2). Contact us at geeksexplainitall@gmail.com or feedback@geeksexplainitall.
3). Give us feedback and ratings at iTunes! Let us know what you would like us to do for future shows, and whether we should attempt an ongiong Dr. Who show! We can do it, but we won't unless we've got your support!
P.S. Tune in again next time, when we will be discussing the evolution of Batman throught the years, and through the media!

P.P.S. We apologize for the difficulties that were experienced with our 49th episode about Xmas music. Rest assured we are trying hard to correct this and it will be posted at some point in the future.