Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Episode 047: Comic Stripped to the Bone!

Remember when you used to read the comics when you were a kid? Remember when you lived for seeing your favorite characters every day? Remember when we used to update this thing more regularly? Well, fear not, true believers, for we here at GEIA remember those things too, and are prepared to discuss for hours(well, one hour, anyway) our favorites and why we like them. Check it out here. It feels like we barely scratched the surface on this one, so if you have a favorite that we didn't get to contact us at or

Many,many,many,many,many,many,many,many,many,many,many,many,many,many,many,many, many,many,many,many,many,many,MANY thanks to Joe Eiden for filling in for this episode!
Don't worry, guys, D-Dub will be back next time!