Friday, March 21, 2014

Episode 038: He's just A Bill(Murray, that is!)

As the song says, it's been a long cold lonely winter! We are still fighting to bring you episodes of(we're assuming) your favorite podcast(s)! This time around we discuss one of our favorite actors, Bill Murray. We also manage to fit about five other topics in, and of course, plenty of fun sound clips! Check it out here. 

If you have comments, questions, complaints, etc., please feel free to contact us at or

Our topic next time around will be time travel(Non-Doctor who related, we will devote another show in a few weeks to the good doctor)

P.S. We would like to acknowledge the passing of one of the GEIA brotherhood, Will Dearduff III. He died suddenly(actually the same morning we recorded this show) and is survived by his wife and daughter. If you would like to donate to his memorial fund(which helps towards funeral expenses), please go to