Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Episode 037:The Slow Heat Death Of Saturday Morning, Or 80's Cartoons!

Okay, you caught me, I know I said last time we were going to talk about about Bill Murray. What can I say, D-Dub's and my brains are so frozen, we're lucky we can remember where either one of us live, much less what we're talking about next week! Anyhoo, we are having a discussion this time around of cartoons from our favorite decade, the 80's! Turns out for the most part we prefer the music of the decade, but we still had a few interesting points to make. You can catch it here. Lots of great sound clips and theme songs in this one, so sit back and enjoy. Or stand. No pressure.

If you have a comment or question about this or any other episode please contact us at geeksexplainitall@gmail.com or feedback@geeksexplainitall.com

Next time we will be discussing the career  and films of Bill Murray. Really. C'mon, we wouldn't screw with you guys two shows in a row.
Or would we?
Nah, just kidding!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Episode 036: And now, the Movies, folks!

Well, gang, in spite of the all the global warming that we keep having to shovel out of our driveways, we have managed to submit(for your approval) another episode of Geeks Explain It All!
This time around we start off with some fan mail from our friend Joe, which leads us into a discussion of how the advent of the home video/DVD/Blu-ray era has seen the late night movie hosts fall by the wayside.
An intriguing episode( even for us) it can be found here.
If you would like to comment, criticize, contact us, check us out or anything else starting with the letter "c" we are at geeksexplainitall@gmail.com as well as feedback@geeksexplainitall.com
Don't forget to tune in next time, when we will be have an in-depth discussion of the coolness that is Bill Murray!

Til next time, Happy Valentine's Day, and remember, you always love the one you hurt. Or Something.