Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Episode 034: Christmas Movies we love(and some, not so much)

Well, gang, we do apologize for the late posting, but the devil that is the internet decided to vex me at the last minute. All is well, now, though. So here is our second annual Christmas Episode! This time around we discuss what our favorite Christmas movies are. Also those that we pretty much hate. Which are which? the answer may surprise you! Check your guesses here. Go ahead, we'll wait.

Okay, now that you're back, did you guess correctly? Did we forget about any? Did you completely disagree with us? Let us know either way at feedback@geeksexplainitall.com or geeksexplainitall@gmail.com

 Our first topic for the new year will be a discussion of Superman in other media, That is, moives, tv, anything OTHER than the actual comics.

Til then , folks, from all of us here at Geeks Explain It All, Merry Xmas, and a safe and Happy New year!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Episode 033: Mel the Schwartz be with you!

Well, brethren and sistren, after too long of a gap, we are back with a brand new episode! Our topic this time around is...Mel Brooks!  That's right, the comic genius who gave us everything from a 2000-year-old man to the hottest ticket on Broadway(twice) is who we are discussing. Savor the meshugganah goodness here.

If you have any feedback on this, or any episode we will read it on a future episode! Don't believe us? Then try us at  geeksexplainitall@gmail.com or feedback@geeksexplainitall.com

Join us next time for our second annual Christmas Show, where we will be discussing some of our favorite(and not-so-favorite) Christmas movies. 

Until Next time, kids, remember, It's Good To Be The King!