Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Episode 031: We've got an App(and a tangent) for that!

Okay, friends and neighbors, it's Tuesday and that means there's a new episode ready! In this case, GEIA's latest masterpiece is  a subject so fantastic we needed a special guest expert to assist us(remember, an expert is anybody from out of town)! We are proud and humbled to welcome the Aviator himself, Matt Sabins, of Sabins Gadgeteering Labs.
Matt joins us for the surprisingly entertaining subject "What are our favorite Apps."? And lest you think we are biased, we come to the discussion with not one, not two, but three different platforms, Windows Phone, Android and Iphone! This exercise in communications(and punchiness) can be found here. If you have an app that we overlooked contact us at feedback@geeksexplainitall.com and we will read your comments on our next show!
Our subject next time will be a big'un, Country Music. And if we have time, Western as well!
Til next time, kids, remember, may your favors always be odd. Or something.
The above picture was snapped mere seconds before Norman Reedus talked to us. True Story!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Episode 030: Roundtable 2: Just when you thought it was safe to go off on tangents...

OK kids, sorry it's taken so long but the 2nd annual Geeks Roundtable episode is finally here. We had a few technical problems but I think you'll agree it's even better than last year. We talk about everything from Doctor Who to What movies we are ashamed to admit we haven't seen. All this and our second year of making weird discoveries about William Shatner.

Our personal thanks to Matt, TJ, Becky, Shannon,Harvey, JB, and Neon for delivering the unique madness that makes this a must-listen!

Our show next time will be an in depth look at what our favorite smartphone apps are, with a special guest appearance from The Aviator himself, Matt Sabins! We will have three different platforms that we will be discussing, Iphone, Windows Phone and Android, so f you have questions, queries, posers, or comments in general, contact us at geeksexplainitall@gmail.com or feedback@geeksexplainitall.com.

Til next time, remember, just because you're not in the lead, just means you haven't found your way out of the crowd.