Saturday, July 27, 2013

Episode 026:There's got to be a way to Blockbuster!

Well after some technical problems with our web host(who we have pretty much disowned) we have found a new home with, and as the song says we're "Feelin' stronger every day!" And just in time, too. Because otherwise you wouldn't be able to hear our latest triumphant discourse! This time around we talk about all(well, a lot, anyway) of the movies that get people out of the hot summer sun, and into an air-conditioned movie theater. That's right, it's time for the Summer Blockbusters!!!!!!!!! Cool off with us here.

As the summer continues to keep everybody hot and bothered, our thoughts turn to cooler times ahead, so our topic next time will be our first ever Fall TV preview., where we will be discussing both new and returning shows that we are looking forward to(and maybe a few we're not!) If you have a favorite show you'd like discussed, our new way to reach us is at or we will still be monitoring til the transition to the new website is complete.

Remember, kids till next time, as Ferris Bueller once said, "You can never go too far." You also can't go too near, if you think about it.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Episode 025: Reality is for people who can't handle scripted TV

Alright everybody, the new ep is here after a long-ish break for the July 4th holiday. This time around we tackle Reality Tv, it's history, and what are some of our favorite shows. This one could have easily ran over, but our professionalism prevented us from doing so. Check it out here, and let us know what you think at
Our topic for next time, is a doozy, perfect for beating the heat, we will be discussing our favorite(and some not-so favorite) summer blockbusters! Yes, the movies that get you out of the hot sun and into the cool air conditioning(with popcorn!)

SPOILER ALERT: if you want a hint of at least one movie we'll be discussing, you could do FAR worse than to see Pacific Rim. Go ahead, you know you want to.