Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Episode 020:Of course you realize this means War(ner Brothers)!

     Alrighty, Geeks and geekettes I know I've said this in the past, but this is our best episode yet! This time around we tackle the vast catalog of Warner Brothers cartoons and come each come up with our top 5(at least off the top of our head). How we got through this episode without totally losing it laughing is amazing, but that's how professional we are! Besides, you, the fans are worth it!
     The laughs and the reviews can be found here.
     Our next couple episode include our salute to the Beatles on film for our one year anniversary show and after that a lesson in Narrative Rock(Concept Albums, Rock Operas, anything that tells a story).
     Check out our sister podcast at the Secret Lair Drive-In where we review the 1954 classic, Them!

Til next time , kids, remember, It takes a big man to cry, but it takes a bigger man to laugh at that man.

Later, kids!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Episode 019: We're throwing the book(series) at you!!!

Greetings, culture lovers! On this intellectually scintillating episode of Geeks Explain It All , we delve into the world of books. More specifically the world of our favorite book series. For an episode that was supposed to be a bit of a breather after the previous episode we actually had an enormous amount of fun with this one as well. I am fairly confident that some of our choices of favorite book series will surprise you. Hell,it surprised us on a few of them! But that's the fun of GEIA! A special prize will be awarded to whomever can name all the various music embedded in this episode!
     Anywho, this intellectual manna from heaven falls here.
     Our upcoming topics include Warner Brothers cartoons:our top 5 and after that,  for our anniversary show we're going to be discussing The Beatles cinematic excursions(or as you colonists refer to them, movies)!
      If you have any suggestions for these upcoming shows or have a comment or question contact us at geeksexplainitall@gmail.com! 
     Heck, as long as you're checking stuff out, check out our sister podcast at The Secret Lair Drive-In!

Remember, kids, til next time, keep your feet on the stars and keep reaching for the ground. Or something.

P.S. A special prize will be awarded to whomever can name all the various music embedded in this episode!