Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Episode 008:The Obligatory Star Trek Episode(You knew it would happen eventually)

     So it's come to this:Anyone that knows ANYTHING about D-Dub and Stratosphear knows that we are Trekkers from WAY back. So why did we wait until the 8th episode to discuss it? Well, good things are worth waiitng for, and this episode is definitely a good thing. We have an in-depth discussion of the history of the franchise, along with our ideas for a possible reboot of the TV franchise(since the movie reboot did phenomenally well). What are those ideas, you may very well ask? Well, you'll just have to discover for yourself here. I am confident our thoughts will amaze and delight you(after all, they amazed and delighted us!).
     Our topic for next week will be Superhero Smackdown: Who would win? We will be discussing the theoretical outcomes of conflicts between Superman Vs. Hulk, Batman vs. Daredevil, and others. Do you have an imaginary battle between your favorite comic heroes? Let us know at geeksexplainitall@gmail.com and we'll mention it on the show!
     Be sure to check out our sister podcast at Darkwind's Secret Lair

Til next time kids, remember, don't try this at home:We're Professionals!
P.S.Like us on Facebook!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Episode 007: Underrated, keep it all out of sight...

Well, the brand-spankin new Ep. of GEIA is up, and I gotta say, it's almost getting to be too easy! We had tons of fun both preparing and recording this one. Part of it, no doubt is from knowing we actually have people listening to this podcast. We'll keep going as long as it's fun, and knowing we have actual fans makes it lotsa fun! Anywho, this episode has(as usual) a fascinating subject: who are the three most underrated guitarists of all time? Our answers will surprise and delight you, I'm sure.(They may infuriate you, on the other hand. Let us know!) We definitely had differing opinions but we made great arguments for our choices, and at the end of it all, inspired each other to check out some new stuff.

You can listen to the new show here.

Our show next time will be an intriguing one(as they all are): our thoughts on how to reboot the Star Trek TV franchise.

As always, feedback is encouraged, welcomed, and appreciated. Our email address is geeksexplainitall@gmail.com.. Also, like us on Facebook here.

While you're checking stuff out check out our sister podcast here.

Until next time, behave, yeah, baby!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Episode 006: And so we're told this is the golden age(of Comics)

After much rending of garments and gnashing of teeth, the new episode is up! This weeks subject is the golden age of comic books. We talk about it's origins, some key figures from the era, and how it wound down(setting the stage for future episode The Silver Age of Comics).
You can check it out here.

We are now on Facebook! Like us at Geeks Explain It All.

As always, a quick shout-out for our sister podcast Darkwind's Secret Lair,you can check it out here.

Our topic for next week will be The three most underrated guitarists in rock history. If you have a favorite obscure guitarist who doesn't get their fair share of praise, drop us a line at geeksexplainitall@gmail.com

Adios, mes amis!